About us
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In fast-evolving sectors, such as today's digital world, principles are not always equally sacred, and boundaries are at risk of being blurred. ODUM.digital, a network of independent digital challengers, is well aware of this and therefore wants to strongly protect its label guaranteeing quality and trust, which sets it apart on the market. The entrepreneurs who have joined the network give high priority to the value of professional ethics. The principles of those professional ethics are laid down below.
Profile of a digital challenger
- Employee status/complementary activity
- Digital follower
- Consultant (focus on problem/solution)
- Junior
- Focus on micro SME (<15) of enterprise
- Full-time assignments for 1 client
- Assignments with an indefinite duration
- Focus on 1 area (eg. IT infra)
- Offer implementation, take %
- Self-employed (main activity)
- Passionate about digital transformation
- Coaching attitude (positive human change)
- Highly experienced
- Focus on SME & non-profit (25-500 staff)
- Cross-pollination, > 1 client at a time
- Fixed-term assignments (1-2 years)
- Broad perspective (strategy, business and IT)
- 100% independent
- Employee status/complementary activity
Digital follower
Consultant (focus on problem/solution)
- Focus on micro SME (<15) of enterprise
- Full-time assignments for 1 client
Assignments with an indefinite duration
- Focus on 1 area (eg. IT infra)
- Offer implementation, take %
- Self-employed (main activity)
- Passionate about digital transformation
- Coaching attitude (positive human change)
- Highly experienced
- Focus on SME & non-profit (25-500 staff)
- Cross-pollination, > 1 client at a time
- Fixed-term assignments (1-2 years)
- Broad perspective (strategy, business and IT)
- 100% independent
Our DNA, our values

The ODUM.digital challenger defends the (digital) interests of the client and advises the management in decision-making and in the selection of software and hardware implementation partners. The ODUM.digital challenger is 100% independent and does not give preference to any specific supplier. Digital challengers only act in the best interests of the client.

People take centre stage
Every ODUM.digital challenger defends the client’s interests long-term and starts every assignment with the intention of completing it within a specific timeframe - generally two years. In every relationship between ODUM.digital and clients, the human factor takes centre stage, as well as a coaching attitude towards the management and the key employees. The goal is to allow the client to grow, to motivate them to come to solutions themselves and eventually become (digitally) self-sufficient.

The power of the ecosystem
ODUM.digital challengers do not work alone. They believe in the power of a network and realise they are stronger and can deliver better quality by regularly relying on sounding boards, and by sharing experience and know-how with the members of their network.

As digital coaches, ODUM.digital challengers are open and honest. They avoid any act or behaviour that is not in line with their dignity or integrity.

ODUM.digital challengers and supervisors always ensure that prejudice, conflicts of interest or third parties never influence their professional judgement.

Professional expertise
ODUM.digital challengers always carry out all of their assignments conscientiously and with the utmost care. Challengers can only accept an assignment if they have the necessary know-how, time and willingness to carry out the assignment properly and to prevent conflicts of interest in order to always work in optimal conditions.
How does ODUM.digital position itself?
ODUM.digital is een krachtig netwerk van onafhankelijke digitale coaches/externe CIO’s die zich richten op Belgische organisaties van 25-500 medewerkers. ODUM.digital focust op het begeleiden van groeiende KMO’s, familiebedrijven en non-profitorganisaties die een strategische digitale transformatie willen realiseren.
Every ODUM.digital Coach is a challenger. Someone who questions things, and who creatively and transparently joins forces with your team, clients and partners to come up with innovative ideas. All of this linked to a concrete strategy and technology/IT architecture design.
Short-sighted advice or ill-considered solutions that only yield short-term results are not beneficial to SMEs. ODUM.digital challengers lead your organisation through an effective digital transformation, with a lot of attention for the impact such transformations have on people. It is important for ODUM.digital challengers to take the time to really get a better insight into your business. Experience has taught us that a successful digital transformation generally takes 12 to 36 months.
ODUM.digital challengers do not take over the daily operational management. They assist your team and help them grow by setting up projects together and assisting in their progress. Depending on the intensity and size of your business, they work for you 2 to 10 days per month.
Independence takes
centre stage in our philosophy
Your ODUM.digital challenger defends the (digital) interests of your business and advises you, as the manager of your business, in making the right decisions for your company and your clients.
We help you with the selection of the right software and implementation partners, and we assist you in maintaining your relationship with those implementation partners.
- ODUM.digital challengers are 100% vendor-independent.
- say a clear "no" to commissions or lead fees from implementation parties,
- never sell software and never offer implementation services themselves,
- always work directly for and with the directors/management body of the company.
The power of the
ODUM.digital network
Since the ODUM.digital challengers are closely connected with one another, share knowledge and act as a sounding board for their clients, you can count on the power of a strong knowledge network. ODUM.digital has an extensive database with unique insights, tools and experiences linked to technology suppliers. Everything digital is moving very fast. When people join forces, they can give you, as a client, more than if they served you individually. Moreover, you are guaranteed continuity. If a coach is absent for extended periods of time due to illness, for example, the ODUM.digital network immediately dispatches a replacement with the same level of knowledge and skills.
In order to safeguard the quality and independence of the service, all coaches are certified in the ODUM.digital methodology and code of ethics. This no-nonsense pragmatic approach was specifically developed to meet the needs of SMEs. In a nutshell, less talk, more action!
Approach to our
collaboration with clients
- As an ODUM.digital challenger, you can count on direct communication. In fact, you report directly to the client’s management. You are involved and participate in workshops when required. That is very important! After all, we are not talking about Excel training sessions, but strategic digital transformation.
- Your goal is to achieve a transformation that yields , and you are prepared to take your time for that. You don’t believe in a ‘hit and run’ approach with rushed advice and without taking the time to get a deep understanding of the client’s needs. You deliberately opt for value creation..
- You make it clear to the client that you do not implement implement IT solutions. You coach their staff to do this themselves and you assist them in the selection of external IT partners and in the management of their relationships with those external partners.
- You remain independentat all times. Only then can you help your client, as an advisor, to choose and focus on the right technology and implementation partner. You resolutely say "no" to commissions/lead generation fees.
- You always act as a personal advisor. You like to offer the client a custom service, in a pragmatic manner and to-the-point. Concretely, this means you don’t waste time organising chit-chat workshops, you do not follow a fixed methodology, and you do not use standard lists and reports.
- You believe technology is much more than just a support tool.
- The collaboration is not a full-time assignment.. You work in consultation with ODUM.digital but keeping account of the needs of the individual client of ODUM.digital. This is a conscious decision that will allow you to work from a broad perspective, to combine various businesses and insights, and make time to keep up to date.