Digital Masterclass 2022

This course is aimed at independent consultants, IT coaches, digital business advisors, software architects and external CIOs who focus on SMEs, family businesses and non-profits between 25-1000.

Wegens het succes van onze eerste (2019) en tweede editie (2021), hebben we beslist een derde editie te lanceren.

No boring theoretical training!

We work together with real customers, real cases, real team issues and Enterprise Architecture designs.

Throughout the training, Olivier Mangelschots shares the methodology that he has built up over the years and successfully applies to various companies.

18 days | 10 professionals | 4 challenges

ODUM Master Class

For whom?

Independent consultants who want to grow in the world of digital transformation to further professionalize their services and / or evolve to multiple clients at the same time.

  Candidates are screened carefully.

When? about us

3 March to 21 October 2022

18 days, 8 hours a day

  • Blok 1: do 3 (13-21u) + vr 4 maart 2022 (10-18u)
  • Blok 2: do 31 maart (13-21u) + vr 1 april 2022 (10-18u)
  • Blok 3: do 28 (13-21u) + vr 29 april 2022 (10-18u)
  • Blok 4: ma 23  (13-21u) + di 24 mei 2022 (10-18u)
  • Blok 5: do 9 (13-21u) + vr 10 juni 2022 (10-18u)
  • Blok 6: do 7 (13-21u) + vr 8 juli 2022 (10-18u)
  • Blok 7: do 25 (13-21u) + vr 26 augustus 2022 (10-18u)
  • Blok 8: do 22 (13-21u) + vr 23 september 2022 (10-18u)
  • Blok 9: do 20 (13-21u) + vr 21 oktober 2022 (10-18u)



Vinoscoop Industrieweg 202, 9030 Mariakerke

Experience days:

We also visit customers ConXioN Experience Center, Powered by Microsoft, Waregem Log!Ville, Niel Health-House, Heverlee


Throughout the year, there are 4 domains where we work together, share knowledge and experience through hands-on workshops around real customer cases:


All sessions are a mix of theory in combination with many practical examples, workshops & sharing experiences in the group. The common thread throughout the masterclass is the transformation methodology. 24-month digital plan



BLOK 1: 3-4 maart 2022

Day 1: Setting the scene for the 18 days masterclass. |Consensus on the foundations and essence of digital transformation, and reflection on its impact on our companies and us is our role as a digital coach. | Stimulating minds around business model innovation. Day 2: Step one of the ODUM methodology: “Discovery”, the acquaintance with the customer, identification of strategic challenges and expectations. Proposal for collaboration (=your quote). To conclude: notetaking techniques.

BLOK 2: 31 maart – 1 april 2022

Day 3: The “Internal Scan” phase of the ODUM methodology, delving into the customer's business, business processes, needs, risks and opportunities. Day 4: The “External Scan” phase of the ODUM methodology: Learning how others are doing by talking to competitors, suppliers, experts. (Digital) Market analysis, identifying players & innovative technology. As an external coach you can provide enormous added value through your independent position.

BLOK 3: 28-29 april 2022

Day 5: Inspiring your target audience through public speaking techniques (in a boardroom or event). This is part of the ODUM methodology “Inspire”. Guest speaker Show Verlinden helps you presentation skills upgradable with lots of practical exercises. Day 6: Learning to be a digital coach a good interactive workshops to facilitate and techniques to meet efficiently. Learn to use the power of design(thinking) in everything you do.

BLOK 4: 23-24 mei 2022

Day 7: Mapping business processes. Enterprise Architecture concepts & trends explained with a pragmatic SME approach. Moving beyond postmodern ERP. MyChallenge: the first participant presents his challenge. He gets 2 hours, the public speaking & workshop techniques can be fully applied. The participant has had ample time to prepare. Enterprise Architecture, foundations and software selection. Mapping business processes, types of business apps, visually mapping application landscape, determining to-be architecture. Day 8: We zoom in on Modern Workplace/IT infra, and the model to bring speed to the SME. What does the SME do best in-house, what externally, what approach…

BLOK 5: 9-10 juni 2022

Day 9: Enterprise Architecture, foundations and software selection. Types of business apps, visually mapping application landscape. We also go deeper into the “Select” phase of ODUM methodology, comparing, scoring, selecting and contracting of technology. From long list to short list to selection. Day 10: Experience tour @ Log!Ville: Getting immersed in the logistics of tomorrow? What is changing and moving in our society and what opportunities this can offer you and the logistics sector. + market study Warehouse Management systems (WMS)

BLOK 6: 7-8 juli 2022

Day 11: The “Roadmap” phase of ODUM methodology: processing all information from the previous phases, identifying possible projects, pain chain, visualizing as-is, definition of the people/teams. Day 12: Roadmap part 2​:  TIME model, priority scoring model, tracks, prioritization process, preparation of business plan and presentation to management. Ecosystem in-depth: Construction

BLOK 7: 25-26 augustus 2022

​Day 13: Visual timeline + select of implementation partners + overview of species and Belgian landscape. Day 14: The “Select & Guide” phase of ODUM methodology: as a digital coach you guide your client in the contracting of the software vendors and implementation partners: negotiate, read contracts, SLAs... You also help this to keep suppliers sharp during the project. Sometimes you have to resolve escalations or end collaborations.

BLOK 8: 22-23 september 2022

Day 15: The “Guide & Empower” phase of ODUM methodology: as a digital coach you ensure that all individual projects in the roadmap are started properly, with clear roles, governance, scope. You monitor this and zoom in when necessary. Day 16: Steercos and Indicators. ​Boost MyBusiness, all questions an independent coach asks to grow. Sharing best practices to optimize your self-employed activity.

BLOK 9: 20-21 oktober 2022

Day 17: To conclude the “Inspire" phase you will learn video to use for your online marketing and live webinars/elearning. With demo material to upgrade your homestudio (video, audio, lighting). With guest speaker and video expert Ken de Kort. Day 18: how do you ensure that the changes are communicated in the right way within the company; which gives strength to the teams. ADKAR, change management, Barrett model, personality tests. MyEvolution: Show that you have grown from this initiative. Come up with something personal that you have learned, experienced in the past 10 months, an insight, change, something you want/or have let go, that you do differently now… That can be one for yourself and for the others. | 360° feedback: Giving constructive feedback is a gift. We give each other feedback on how we have seen each other grow, our strengths and challenges and how we see possible collaboration with each other in the future. (The detailed daily schedule may still change slightly.)

Who guides this masterclass?

Olivier van
Olivier Mangelschots



The total cost of this training, which consists of 18 days of training, is €8,900. -30% subsidy via SME portfolio Payable yourself = €6,230 ex VAT


Light dinner op donderdagavond en lunch op vrijdagmiddag + koffie & gezonde snacks is voorzien en wordt apart afgerekend: 18 x €65 excl. BTW


Luc Smet
Luc Smet, Independent Management Consultant

The Masterclass is ideal for experienced all-round IT professionals who have the ambition to grow into a trusted & skilled digital coach for business leaders of SMEs. The dynamics of this Masterclass is quite unique. Both the trainer and the participants are self-employed people who share experiences, who connect practice with theory, who have both feet in the field and who do not lose sight of the commercial aspect. Each participant is committed to working together in an atmosphere of trust, without hidden agendas, so that we can really learn from each other's insights and experiences. Participants must be prepared to look beyond just the IT-technical aspect and must have a strong interest in the total business story. After all, a digital coach focuses on the right IT solutions with the aim of improving one or more aspects of the customer's business, and good business insight is necessary for this. I am a participant of the very first Masterclass and I am quite happy about that! Looking back on this Masterclass, I can say that it was more than worth the investment in time and money. Olivier succeeds in transferring his experience and approach to the group and makes you think about how to position yourself as a consultant. It is not a non-binding “course”, you really have to get started with it. But at the end of the ride you really learned something and you got to know some cool people better! Luc Smet, Independent Management Consultant

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