
Book: Transformational Presence: How to Make a Difference in a Rapidly Changing World

Geen challenger gelinkt.

I’m currently reading a book of Alan Seale: “Transformational Presence: How to Make a Difference in a Rapidly Changing World.” suggested to me by Magaly De Smet MCC Coaching The Shift.

A very inspiring read that I can warmly recommend! In today’s uncertain and complex times this book is a guide for:

#Visionaries who want to move beyond their vision into action, 
#Leaders who are navigating the unknown and pioneering new territory,
#People committed to living into their greatest potential and
#Coaches supporting the greatest potential in others.

It inspires me to rethink the way I do things, how I work with people & teams, switch from ‘push’ to ‘pull’ when transforming my (Digital) vision & ideas into actions. Thank you Alan & Magaly!

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